Physiotherapy is a health science which aims to restore as much as possible the lost physical capacities of the patient following attacks on the musculoskeletal, cardio-respiratory or neurological system.
Occupational therapy is a health profession aimed at the autonomy and quality of life of individuals through their occupations. Activity is the heart of occupational therapy.
Our physiotherapy and occupational therapy treatments are reimbursed by the majority of paying agents (CNESST, SAAQ, VAC, private insurers)
Perineal reeducation consists of rehabilitating the perineal muscles or the pelvic floor.
The functional assessment of the physical and mental ability to drive an M57 road vehicle required by the SAAQ.
Do you experience jaw pain, clicking, difficultly to open or close the mouth, headaches, and/or neck pain? Physiotherapy for your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can help.
With more than 12 years of experience in physiotherapy and more than 8 years in massage therapy, Marie-Claire Gauthier takes the well-being of her clients at heart and provide you with personalized treatment.
Physiotherapy is a health science which aims to restore as much as possible the lost physical capacities of the patient following attacks on the musculoskeletal, cardio-respiratory or neurological system.
Occupational therapy is a health profession aimed at the autonomy and quality of life of individuals through their occupations. Activity is the heart of occupational therapy.
Our physiotherapy and occupational therapy treatments are reimbursed by the majority of paying agents (CNESST, SAAQ, VAC, private insurers)
Perineal reeducation consists of rehabilitating the perineal muscles or the pelvic floor.
Perineal and pelvic rehabilitation is a field in physiotherapy that address issues related to the pelvic floor. Physiotherapy can help with urogenital dysfunctions, such as urinary, fecal and gas leaks, pelvic pain and prolapsed organs, etc. Treatment mainly consists of pelvic floor strengthening exercises, stretching, and advice on diet and healthy habits.
The pelvic floor is a collection of muscles and ligaments that extend from the pubic symphysis to the coccyx. Its function is to support the organs in the pelvis (bladder, uterus, and rectum), to control urine, stool and gas, and to stabilize the lumbopelvic region.
• You have urinary incontinence when you cough, laugh, or exercise
• You are pregnant or have recently given birth
• You feel a heaviness in the pelvic area
• You are not able to support normal sexual functions
• You have gas incontinence
• You are having pain in the pelvic area
• You had a pelvic surgery
• You have a prolapsed organ.
Come meet our physiotherapist trained in perineal and pelvic rehabilitation to prevent or solve problems related to the perineal region
The functional assessment of the physical and mental ability to drive an M57 road vehicle required by the SAAQ.
Do you experience jaw pain, clicking, difficultly to open or close the mouth, headaches, and/or neck pain? Physiotherapy for your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can help.
The temporomandibular joint is a complex joint between the temporal bone (skull bone) and the mandible (jaw bone). In order to function correctly, the bones move in two phases: rotational and translational phase. The muscles inside and outside the mouth coordinate together to open and close the mouth. If all these movements are not coordinated well it can cause misalignment of the jaw and painful symptoms. TMJ dysfunction is often due to muscular imbalance in the jaw and/or neck.
Symptoms can include the following :
• Jaw pain
• Ear pain
• Neck pain or aches
• Headaches
• Pain while chewing, yawning, or swallowing
• Jaw popping, clicking, and/or locking while opening or closing mouth, or while chewing
• Unable or difficultly to open or close the mouth fully
The focus of physiotherapy for temporomandibular disorders is stretching, releasing tight muscles and scar tissue. Physiotherapy is an important part of recovery from a temporomandibular joint surgery as it helps minimize muscle tightness and scar tissue formation. Treatment can also include jaw exercises to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, range of motion and coordination. Postural correction and retraining are also done.
A physiotherapist specialist in TMJ dysfunction will perform a complete assessment of the jaw and neck. They can help by teaching you relaxation, stretching and strengthening exercises along with manual therapy techniques.
With more than 12 years of experience in physiotherapy and more than 8 years in massage therapy, Marie-Claire Gauthier takes the well-being of her clients at heart and provide you with personalized treatment.
· Kinetic Swedish massage (Therapeutic or relaxation)
· Personalized massage
· Fascia therapy
Marie-Claire is a member of the Quebec federation of massage therapists and of the Professional Order of Physiotherapy of Quebec, which ensures you quality and safe care.
1811-E, ch. Ste-Angélique, St-Lazare, J7T 2X9